Live Video chat for the forum to talk about the forum!

This post is a wiki so we please add your ideas and thoughts in this top post rather than posting individual replies below.

I’d like to gather everyone that is interested in a group video chat. Three things we need to figure out:

  1. What platform to use?
    Google Hangouts (Google Hangouts could be recorded for those that miss …)
    Zello (audio only)
    Any of these would work… but given the varied platforms everyone uses it would have to be one that could be used cross-platform.
    DISCORD - I love using Discord. I run a DIY/Making oriented Discord Server with about 300 members. Discord is a really great service, it is like IRC 2.0 with great voice chat. Oh, as a note, Discord is getting video chat soon™

  2. When to do it?
    Tough one with users all over! Maybe rotate?
    I am up for it at any time provided it is not before 0 dark 30 Hawaii time.

  • Weekday (Morning Chicago)
  • Weekday (Lunch Time Chicago)
  • Weekday (After Work Chicago)
  • Saturday (Chicago)
  • Sunday (Chicago)

0 voters

  1. Agenda for what to talk about
    Show-Off Segment (current or recent projects)
    Future Inventables offerings / beta, etc. Good opportunity to sneak preview anything upcoming …
    Maybe a forum area called “The Salt Mines” that is invite only. ( ‘Lounge’ )

LarryM ----- As per item #3 ---- Give moderator privileges to the original poster for the posts that he/she created.

@Zach_Kaplan yes


Sounds like a great idea. Would actually get a kick out of chatting with those that have been so helpful in getting me going with the CNC. Australia or southern hemisphere extreme back side of the world…(unless you turn globe upside down) is able to “T” up with States…and Europe in the Mornings from 8am which is 3pm Chicago time till when ever. Weekends are definitely the best due to all our work commitments. (Like an old episode of MASH where they tried to organize a reunion for the soldiers families in the States) Only comment about the platform…it must have video and be either free or cheap…(says alot about me)

Can’t figure out how to vote. Click, nothing happens. Weekdays after work.

I’d caution you about a general ‘open forum chat session’, that never works out well. Instead, run a format where users can ‘present’ their projects. Vet them in advance and then let them broadcast via web cam from their own site and present/teach what they’ve done and how they did it. Adafruit does it this way and it works out very well.

@Traxxtar can you please post a link to an example video you’re talking about?

Here’s their most recent episode:

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That was pretty neat! Hopefully Inventables adopts something similar, maybe a weekly episode.

@MoStych is going to have to get pink hair for it to work.


And a “Mr. Mo” sidekick. :wink:

this is good platform to use from ( AT&T Conferencing)

AT&T Conferencing with Cisco WebEx streamlines real-time conferencing in a single, easy-to-use tool. Around the world, business is open 24/7. Competing in this global, real-time marketplace means collaborating—reaching business-critical decisions, resolving issues, and innovating—in the now. Remove the barriers of space and time when your colleagues, vendors, and customers are immediately accessible for time-sensitive interactions.

Reach beyond the walls of your organization
Communicate clearly with enterprise-quality video conferencing
Leverage a range of existing devices: desktops, laptops, tablets, and a variety of mobile devices
Enjoy fast, flexible, cloud-based access

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