My son is in the planning stages for his Eagle Scout project. The project he is wanting to do could sure use the functionality of something like an x-carve. I don’t think I can justify buying one just for this project. So I am looking for someone not far from the St Louis, MO area (50-150 miles) that has one that could do a 48" x 36" project (so I’m guessing a 1000mm setup).
This would be great if someone was interested in donating their time and expertise to help a scout learn and set everything up. Of course if that is not possible and payment would be required we can discuss that as well.
Below is an initial proposal of what he is looking to create. This is a roster line up board for a HS wrestling team. Each roster slot would be inset so that a white board magnetic strip could set in there (internal metal component for that to adhere to is being discussed). To the right is a magnetic white board for the coach to write notes or hang fliers on. When we did a similar project for another school the designs and weighs listed were all vinyl cutouts if we had an x-carve we’d want to engrave that and the logo.
When I first started looking at the x-carve I even started to setup a project with my son in Easel.
If anyone is interested in helping out or knows someone that might please have them reach out.
The 1000mm has a work area of 750mm square, so that size won’t happen (in one piece) on an X-carve
Unfortunately it doesn’t involve an xcarve but I just helped a friend’s son with his eagle scout project. He took hundreds of trophies from his high school band and transferred the info to plaques. He did all the data entry and layout and I laser engraved them.
Thanks for the info. We could certainly work it a bit differently if needed. Certainly could either reduce the height of the logo and text at the top to make it so that it was not more than the 29". I do not think we’d really want to reduce the 48" width but I believe since the engraving part in the lower left is not more than 29" we could have the extra hanging out the end while doing that part.
Maybe it could be enhanced more by making it so that the logo is actually a separate piece that is then mounted on top of the other board to give it more height than the 29" limitation.
Again, I’m not an expert here and maybe this is in need of a device bigger than an x-carve. Or perhaps someone much more skilled can give us ideas to still make something close happen.
If one dimension fits in the width of the machine, the job could be tiled to create a piece as long as you need (29"x48" is doable).
I’m in memphis, so a bit too far to be directly helpful, but a few ideas:
Designing around a 29x48 in surface, with a top panel that’s joined on, is certainly doable, especially as half the width is blank.
If his Eagle board gives grief about so much of the project needing to be built by someone else, another avenue might be build the board by hand, using dry-erase name tags for the nameplates, and something like a Cricut/vinyl cutter to make vinyl graphics and lettering. Stenciling and painting on the rear of a plexiglass panel(possibly combining with vinyl graphics,not sure how they would look applied to rear), mounting steel strips behind the name tag areas so the magnets would have something to hang on, could look amazing.
Super-keen would be to find a metal shop to assists in creating a steel panel, with stencil work to paint the whole thing in glossy detail, or aluminum and apply dry-erase paint directly to the surface.