M3 Macbook - anybody tested?

I’m thinking it might be time to convert a few older Apple computers I have to a singular Macbook Air. Has anybody confirmed the combo of X-Carve Pro and a Macbook Air M3?

I’ve got a M1 Air but it seemed to lose communication with my X-Carve a little too regularly… reverted back to an old 2012 (?) Mac Mini in the meantime but I can’t upgrade Chrome any further on this Mini due to its’ age. Therefore no ability to use Easel anymore through this machine.

I wouldn’t mind flipping them all for a new M3 Air (if they’re confirmed rock solid with x-carve).

Hello @TimSilvester ,
Easel Driver has been tested on the Apple Silicon architecture and is perfectly stable. You can use an M3 Macbook no problem.

For future reference the official system requirements are listed at https://inventables.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012725734-What-are-Easel-s-System-Requirements

Hope this helps,

Hmmm. Can anyone else confirm? I wasted a whole sheet of copper clad board on the weekend trying to cut a small PCB I designed for a guitar amp. In numbers, five failed attempts. And not the first time I have had to abort a PCB project.

My grounding on the unit is total overkill, I have iron core rings on both ends of all cables to and from xcarve, to and from laptop. But a minute in (or thereabouts), it always cuts out.

I should mention I have never had a problem with the M1 on wood projects. But cutting PCBs I have never had a success.

I have a new M3 Mac book pro I can test for you.

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