Machining an aluminum build plate for my 3d printer

I recently decided to switch up my 3d printers removable glass plate to a cast aluminum tooling plate. X-Carve was perfect for making all the pockets and channels I needed. Was my first project in aluminum as well. Some action shots below, I blogged the whole process for anyone interested:

(The corner pockets look horrible since I first tried to mill them with my drill press before using the X-Carve. Drill-press fail.)


Hey! I really want to flatten my 3d printer heat bed, and I was thinking on milling it flat with the cnc.

Is that mic6 really flat? My heated bed came fused with the PCB-Aluminium so I guess adding another layer would -bend- that other layer… eventually.

From what I read mic6 is spec’d to be within .001", which is 25.4 micron (uh, right?), which is way below what my machine is capable of printing, let alone on the 1st layer which is important for the leveling. And from my initial test on leveling the bed, it seems consistently flat all over, unlike the thick pane of glass I was using, that sagged slightly in the middle. Since the stock I got was .25" thick, I feel there’s really no chance of it bending, unless it was a magnitude size larger.

have you ever tried this ?

supposed to not flex.
There is also the stuff used on stove tops that are good at heat but will not bend or flex either.

I have not: What I had was double-thick borosilicate glass (for windows), but maybe they do something moar fancy with theirs. Thanks for the link.

The aluminum plate however has been working out great :wink:

I have one of those cermic plates but it will not fit my printer. :confused: I may see if I can get someone to cut it down on a laser some day. but for now I will have to keep with my borosilicate for now