I did not order the wasteboard with my X-Carve 1000 mm. I needed to drop the motor about 1/2" or so to gain extra depth. I made a table with the top as two pieces of vinyl covered MDF from Lowe’s and mounted the X-Carve on top of the table top. . I also ordered 5 aluminum strips of T-Slot material for 1/4-20 screws. I needed a way to lower the DeWalt 611 about a 1/2" or so. The DeWalt 611 top part flange bottomed out against the mount with about 1/2" more to gain if material was removed from the mount.
I machined the mount about 1 1/2" wide flush with the bottom of the top part of the motor mount. I machined the part half the thickness of the mounting plate, approximately 1/8". I reinstalled the motor mount and reinstalled the Dewalt 611. The top of the router flange now sits about 1/2" down which is what I wanted. I will include some pictures of the mount.
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I wonder if the routers are different or the mount changed. I did the same thing with mine but all I had to do was replace the original mounting screws for the delrin nut with countersunk screws and sand a small ridge off the routers plastic housing of the router. My mount was a early version. Either way nice job.