I bought my x-carve 500 mm quite a few years ago, and am now assembling it. But I cannot find in my boxes a spindle mount kit. Did the earlier x-carves not ship with mounts plates or were they optional?
I have ordered a mount plate from Aliexpress and hope that will do the job.
I’m not sure, but my Shapeoko2 z axis came with an acme rod, bearing, extrusion,plate, pulley and a clamp to secure the router. Is that the kind of thing you have now?
Thank you Martin. Yes I do have most of those items and I have installed them as far as I can, but there is no front plate to attach the little bearing runners to, which will slide up and down on the z-axis aluminium extrusion. Perhaps the front plate is associated with the mount kit and I may not have ordered that for some reason.
I have found a plate on aliexpress and ordered it.