My first big project

First off i should say I’m not finished yet. As i type I’m babysitting my X-carve as i still don’t trust it to run a full job without my supervision.

Right so Christmas… well for the past few years I’ve been making things as presents for my family, part of the reason i bought my XC was to carry on this tradition however this year i think I’ve raised the bar… I decided to make clocks for my close family. I bought the movements then drew everything up in CAD based on this measurements. Now i’d done this even before i found out about Inventables and the X carve. My plan was to sub out the CNC work however whilst trying to find a supplier i found a video on Youtube by DIY Perks, this planted the seed. Not long after my 1000mm machine was on order along with my Dewalt 611 as i’m in the UK i ordered this separately.
After assembling i got straight to work… yeah… this was a mistake. Hours wasted and eventuatly i set about reading the forum and got my machine dailed in and i’ve come out with this.

I’ve still got to stain or oil them and add the movements but its getting there.



Very nice. Where abouts in the uk I’m in Aberystwyth

Leicestershire. Fair trek from you. :smile:

After a mammoth push i got all four clocks finished before Christmas.

I seem to be having a problem converting from DXF to SVG and Inkscape is scaling my drawings down slightly so the clock came our a little smaller than i intended but only by a few mm.


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@Alex1380 Nice work.Have a look at Brian Laws Wooden Clocks at you may be interested in making one of these perhaps. I made one of his clocks (clock 22) and enjoyed the project immensely.

that looks awesome!
Took me a second to realise you cut those legs out individually, really gives it a great effect

Thanks Venessa,

Yeah each leg is 5 x 1/2" birch ply bits glued together. There is then a body section behind the clock face which is again 5 bits thick. The face is then 11mm thick hardwood which is carved out at the back to fit round the legs and body. took a lot of time but i’m really happy with the results.

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Hi Alex I live in Oadby. Do you fancy meeting up