My first edge-lit sign!

Just finished my first edge-lit sign for Christmas and I’m quite pleased with it. Did the whole thing in Easel. Feel free to critique; I’m always looking for suggestions to improve.
Can anyone tell me how to change it in the projects to be included in the Holiday Decorations category?

If you’re interested you can find the project here:

As requested here are some shots of how the box is built and the LED placement:

I have seen some boxes done without the slot shown here, in front of the acrylic, but I like the effect of the light washing across the front of the acrylic as well as from below!


Looks fantastic! Good job! What size was this/how long it take to carve?

kindly indicate the bit and your settings and images of the LED placement.

Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you like it.
It’s 12" wide and 12 1/2" high. I think it took about 35 minutes but if I did it again I would increase the feed rate from 1500 mm/min to 2000 - 2500 mm/min . I don’t think it would have any trouble keeping up.

I used a 1/32" conical cutter and in Easel I listed the bit as 0.5mm. It carved at 1500 mm/min. with .5mm doc. I will edit the original post to include a link to the project. The LEDs are in a box below the sign. I will take photos of it and include them tomorrow.