My x-axis still don´t move

Too much beer? Please explain.


Are you jealous Bill ? :laughing: :laughing:

It can not bee to much beer :smiley:

My problem is still there
I have adjusted the V-wheels and beltet
and measured voltage on the x-axis
as you can see in the pictures

I’ve also done as he suggested in Manhattan youtube file
I also sat milling as he showed in the clip youtube

Now I do not know more what to do. milling measure

Youtube video is private.


Now I get a message that says:

This video is a duplicate of a previously uploaded video

You can just edit a previous post, there’s no need to make a new post to fix an issue like the private video.

I did it, thank´s


Swap the X motor with one of the Y motors and see if the X axis works that way. It could be a bad motor.

I think I did that earlier
but I´ll do that again
I´ll be back in a hour or so

I went out and swap the x-motor with the y-motors
And still the x-axis didn´t move but the y-moters do

I think you are right about the x-moters broken som how.

Give me a hint what shall I do ?


Did you change the motor or just the wires?

Take the X axis motor and a Y axis motor off. Exchange them so that the X axis motor goes to the Y axis and the Y axis motor goes to the X axis.

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I changes the wires at potentiometer place

If I am understanding correctly, you swapped the X and Y axis on the Gshield (again), and got the same result as before. The problem stays with the X axis even when the wires are swapped.

What @LarryM and @AngusMcleod are suggesting are two tests for the motor. It’s a good idea.

Since we know the Y axis works, switching out the X-axis motor for one of the known good ones on the Y-axis will either confirm there is a problem in that motor, or eliminate that as a problem.

If you slowly move the X-axis by hand, does it move as easily as the Y?

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Guys just listen to this music doesn´t it sound great
When I took the motor on the leftside (y-axis motor)
and put it on the place for x-axis and wow what a music it is to my ears finaly.
I think the “old” stepper motor is bad…

The next step. Do they replace it for me or…?


Woohooo!!! Congrats!

If you bought it through Inventables, they should replace it for you. I’d give them a call or email.

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Thank´s Brad
I´ll be glad if you do that for me
It´s more difficault to do from Sweden

I have already sent them the link with to conversation
I hope to get a positive answer from them

I wish I could help, but they will need your purchase information and all that.

Maybe try sending @Zach_Kaplan a PM or something and see if he can help you out with that.


I´ll do that thank´s anyway