Need help Broken screw

You are totally missing the point … how more clear can I make this , I am totally satisfied with the machine , as well as inventables. What I am not happy with is “bad” screws and the “choice” of button head screws , and the “lack” of extra screws… Inventables does have great support and a great product , in fact I was missing the back plate from the controller kit , and they next day shipped one out to me , I could have mentioned to them the bad button head screws but since I don’t like those “junk” screws I just bought the ones “I” like which are socket cap screws… I understand you are defending the “brand” and company that you like but, no matter how smart an engineer is or how much r & d you put into something there is still flaws in design and outside views help to find theses flaws , being a mechanic as you are , you should be well aware that manufacturers sometimes do some questionable things that’s why you are in business to fix things when they break … if you find a problem before it’s a problem then maybe inventables would save more money by using stronger screws to begin with and sending extras in the bag instead of having to next day a 23 cent screw to someone when they call in for support… make sense?

Not really, when I buy a mustang at a pinto price point I don’t expect a show car. So I don’t blame the seller of the mustang for a “few problems”. I accept what I got because I made the choice to buy it especially when I knew what I was buying. it is just a machine. never advertised as a top notch better than all others. But it was nice getting to know you. been fun in a way.

Your funny, I can tell you get enjoyment out of “never being wrong” this machine is by far not a “mustang” nor is it a pinto price… but when cheap furniture comes with extra screws I think a 2000$ machine should , and when it’s "open source " with an open forum you should be able to voice your opinions , findings , ideas and views without being criticized , I noticed you are a teacher man I hope that when your students come to you with concerns and questions you treat them with respect and dignity instead on condecesebding remarks such as "own up to your mistakes " … maybe it’s your generation or age but not everyone comes from a mechanical background or has experience with this type of stuff , not everyone is happy with mustangs , or spending money on a brand new product , no everyone is happy with what is handed to them , if they were there would never be change or innovation…

This post took a turn. I was just looking for some ideas. My biggest issue is i didn’t want to dissemble that part of the machine to fix it. I am going to try to just push the screw out later. if its not tapped then it shouldn’t be to bad.

just to clear some stuff up this is the kind of screw they gave me.

this is what i ordered from mcmaster to replace the one i broke. I chose the highest strength one they had and now have 49 extra.

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First off I apologize to the forum for this thread turning into a pissing contest , I never meant for my opinion to be such a crime.

Look Ken I’ve wasted enough time on you , and this subject , your probably a really good guy, but I’m not the type to stand by and let someone say I should own up to mistakes when I never made them, or that I should just be happy with what I got and keep my mouth shut, without defending my views! The reason we have X-carve is because with the help of the users and the forum the Shapeoko evolved , the reason the new X-carve has , a beefier gantry and accentric spacers instead of nuts is because people found the flaws and voiced concerns , maybe by me voicing my concerns the next version will be stronger and better and inventables will save money by not shipping so many replacement screws that they can put more money in R&d or heck pass the savings down to us. Maybe instead of a tube of grease that nobody uses after they read the forums could be replaced with a small bottle of blue loctite …I mean gee whiz if no one says anything will anything ever improve ?? I’m sorry you don’t like my views and I’m sorry this post was ruined but I’m gonna have a voice.

Yea those holes are tapped there just full of powder coating , I had the same exact issue but didn’t break my screw , luckily it’s a socket cap or I would have stripped out the head , I had to run the screw in and out several times slowly to clear the hole I also ended up trimming the screws off at the back of the nut to clear the bolts I ran through the makeride after I attatched “L” brackets to stiffen the y rails.

Just fyi for everyone at least in the run my machine came from the holes are threaded. I looked on the opposite plate. so could be a new implementation.

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Sorry I meant to say they “are” tapped , we probably have the same run of machines, they just tap the holes before they get coated so that thin layer of coating is enough to cause that screw to tighten and bind. They should add a note in the instructions to thread the screws in and out a couple times before installing the switch , the original screws are stainless steel and are a bit more brittle than the carbon steel bolts they use everywhere else not to mention they are tiny.

I feel like the first half of the build instructions were very good and detailed. the second half was kinda learn as you go and skip around looking for the part your working on in the background of a different pic. I was not ready for the screw to bind and broke to quick to do anything on the second one I went slow and worked it in ok. I might just tighten the good screw and glue the switch in place as per someones suggestion and see how it goes. Looks like by time the switch trips theirs about a 1 mm gap so if thats not enough i might just drill two new holes and move the whole thing forward.

Yea I didn’t like that much either if it wasn’t 2am when I was on that step I would havedrilked then out and installed nuts .

I say just hot glue or shoe goo as well u might actually save the switch when you crash into it , “it will happen”

Yea I agree they should just be through holes …

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Is their a guide of what to do once you finished all the inventables steps? ill search for soft limits but maybe the experienced users can calibrate on what new, intermediate, expert users should know or tips and tricks.

It’s all in the forums, just gotta search.

Didn’t know about soft limits until second day in lol.

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That’s crazy !?! Good thing this project is open source… and all the bugs get worked out as time passes , so far I like the x controller.

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If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!! And if you broke it you better own that $h**!!

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I had a stripped screw head in a 12 volt charger. This is how I got it out.

Came right out, no problems.


do you have a link to a post with a walk thru on setting soft limits. Ive been reading thru a lot and the conversations are mostly who likes or dislikes switches and no how to.