New to maker hub environment

I work in a maker hub at my local university. I have read lots of materials and with limited time and trying to keep the grades I am having a challenging time with stopping and restarting. I cannot leave my laptop with the machine unattended for a job to finish. To finish projects, I had to run the whole file from the start. I would like to see an option to run to a certain percentage of the job, just less of what was completed, to start from there. Does anyone know if there are advanced settings I can get into to complete this task?

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you can export the gcode and manually edit the gcode in a text editor and then re-import it. but you’d have to have some gcode knowledge to do it correctly… Go to Project>Download Gcode to get the file… and then Project>Import gcode to get it back in.

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Thanks for the response, I will research this more!

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