Newbie Needs You

Good Morning, we purchased a used XCarve and have 0 instructions. I have purchased a new lap top and downloaded Inventables. I have NO clue what to do next. Download images? If so, from where?
I literally need elementary help here.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
B Ransome

X-Carve Instructions: x-carve-instructions (

Just work your way down through until you get to computer set up, etc. You’ll need to download Easel and the computer drivers needed to run the x carve. You can also use other Gcode senders to run the X carve too. I use Universal Gcode sender myself. It is free. I now use the Platform edition.


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Went through that a little more than a year ago, I do not have an xcarve but the basics are the same, if you care to pm me a phone number, i will call you and go through it screen by screen. Am on Pacific standard time. tomorrow would be good as I am waiting for parts for my machine.

There are CNC facebook groups and other online communities. You may be able to find someone in your area with more experience. It can be helpful to spend a little time with someone with a little more experience.

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