Just got my x carve all set up. When I run Easel my carve button is no where to be found. For some reason This is a picture to show you I’m seeing. I can jog the machine but that’s the extent of it. .
Would there be any chance your USB cable is not connected properly to your computer or to your X-Controller?
I’m not sure why, but sometimes after running my X-Carve through numerous cuts, my Carve button will not turn green until I unplug and plug my USB and/or restart Chrome.
Would I be able to jog the machine if the usb disconnected? I can do that, I can send the machine home, and all devices show operable “green light” when activated.
What browser are you using? That may be the problem.
Google Chrome on Windows7
Wait a minute … Am I missing something? Is your Carve button not right there inside the red rectangle?
If the button is not turning green (unless they have changed something) Easel does not think it has communications with the controller.
Have you tried powering the X-Carve down, restart your computer, make sure everything is securely plugged in, open an Easel project, and then power up the X-Carve
Brandon Parker
Yes sir. I’ve tried everything you’ve suggested on multiple occasions. I can jog the machine and send it home. I can also see where all lights turn green on machine inspector when engaged.
So after you power the machine up when Easel is open, what is the first thing you do?
Brandon Parker
I have tried all sequences. Turn on the x controller, then the computer and the opposite. Either way I can open a project or start a new one. Then I can jog the machine or tell it to go home. While sitting idle you can feel the cross member “ticking” like it want to move. I always ensure the e stop is up.
So, you can tell it to Home, but does it actually Home the machine on each axis?
Brandon Parker
Would there be any chance your USB cable is not connected properly to your computer or to your X-Controller?
I’m not sure why, but sometimes after running my X-Carve through numerous cuts, my Carve button will not turn green until I unplug and plug my USB and/or restart Chrome.
Comment and dumb question…
I also had the same issue where my blue carve button would more times than not, stay blue (on, off, on, off etc). I found out it was related to a “USB multiple port dongle” I was using, that I have multiple goodies plugged into. Once I removed the X-Carve USB, and put it in its own USB port, the problem virtually disappeared, THOUGH… every 7th-ish time, I open Chrome, power on the controller, I still have to power it off, close Chrome, and do both steps again to get green, so I have the same issue as pike_lake. Beats me…
Now the question is, I cannot no matter what I do “jog” any part of the gantry while blue, no how, no way. It MUST be green to allow me to unlock it, and jog. You are saying you can keyboard-jog your machine while the carve/jog buttons are blue?
Blue button = no communication between Easel/PC and the Xcontroller
It looks like the bit you are trying to use is a v-bit. They are only supported in Easel PRO. Do you have a PRO subscription?
I know you have probably tried this already but you might have a bad USB cable.
I had a printer a while back that the USB cable was bad but not completely bad. Some commands would work and others wouldn’t. Drove me crazy for weeks until I changed the USB cable and everything started to work the way it should.
Always remember, Cables are made by machines that are run by people and people have an off day every so often…
Thanks everyone for the responses. It turned out to be the fact the I was attempting to use the v-but, but as was pointed out to me, it was an Easel Pro only bit.
Now my problem is the xcontroller and the pc keep disconnecting. I’ve tried 6 different usb cables but it keeps doing it. Very frustrating but at least I got it to work even if it’s only when it wants to!
That’s normally a noise issue. Make sure power cables are routed away from the USB.
Brandon Parker