The following picture shows 3 pieces that are 3D, taken from Aspire and imported into Easel. Each 3D piece had 2 files, (Rough Cut and Smooth Cut), and all 3 cut out perfectly. So as long as Easel is around, I will never use UGS again. Easel has made it a lot faster when setting up a carve compared to UGS. I did notice that when a job is completed, it hangs at 100% and I have to go into easel and cancel the job, not sure if this is still a bug in the system or something else. One thing that would be neat in the future is to have a steps remaining and time remaining like UGS has, Overall, very satisfied with it and haven’t had any mistakes/ errors yet out of 25 carves using the new feature, knock on wood.
I would like to try
Good news
I am using Cut3D + Vcarve Pro.
Look forward to try this feature.
I am also using 3D studio max to create objects
Regards, Kaj
I would like to test out this feature please. Using MeshCAM.
I would like to be added to the list…Please
@jasoncampbell I use Vcarve Pro and found that the gcode produced does not include the “M5” command at the end to turn the spindle off. Don’t know if this is happening in Aspire as well but you may want to check.
Using V-Carve Desktop, export the toolpaths as Easel gcode and it returns to home after every carve. Are you sure you exported it to Easel and not X-Carve?
The standard Inventables post processor for V-carve does not include the M5 command. You can edit the post processor to include the M5 command.
If your G-code has the M30 command in it and you are not running Grbl version 0.9j this is normal.
If you want to keep the M30 command and have your job complete, upgrade to grbl version 0.9j.
I would please like to test this feature! Please add me, I am using V Carve.
I also would like to to be able to import g_code from my Vcarve
Can I please get g-code access as well?
Thank you!
I finally got around to running a test file with vcarve/easel last night.
Works great! here’s my observations based upon how I have come to use the x-carve.
I have never really liked using the homing switches and havent in some time. Also, i more often than not have my datum position set at the center of the work piece.
Not having played with Easel much i am not sure if the datum position can be adjusted or not.
So… I simply place the machine into position at my datum position by hand (slowly) and set my zero point with a piece of paper before turning on the power. this is my machine zero.
After importing the gcode from vcarve, I go through the steps in Easel, turn on my spindle (i’m set up to run it manually) and hit carve.
It runs the file flawlessly, so far, and returns to machine zero with the bit at the predetermined safe zero.
Nice! But I do miss using my touch plate. And not being able to watch the code fly by like you can in UGS takes away some of the “WOW!” factor for visitors.
Overall, A nice feature improvement though that I will probably use.
You Missed Me ahhhhhh
I would like to try this feature using Inventor HSM. Thank You!
I’d like to test this. Thanks.
Zach that would be amazing! Can you let me in? I use MeshCAM and HSMWorks.
@JimFunk @GaryWolfe @PaulNeil @SteveSussman @RobertCanning @NeilG @NeilPeterson @SamBlackstaffe @Joshua @CaseyCrescenzo You guys are in!