[NOW LIVE] [new feature] G-code sending through easel

@JonathanKelley You’re in too!

Biggest invite chain ever. Welcome to the club everyone!

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I still miss my touch plate… :cry: :grin:

Please add me to the list to try this out. I use VCarve. I’d also like to see about using this method to drive a JTech laser. I plan to design in Easel, export Gcode, edit Z movements in Notepad++ and then import the resulting Gcode back into Easel for final cutting with the laser. I hope all that makes sense. Thanks!

Please add me as well.

How are you guys getting the model to start at 0,0? Everything I import is shifted over an inch…

Would love to check this new feature out.

O…M…G !!!
(sorry for my bad english, i’m form switzerland…)
thank you very much for adding me, this function is amazing!
last night i did some test with demo model just to see the rendering and the accessibility
in a few click I got a very very satisfying result !!!
you made a wonderful “link” to users like me who know how to use 3D design software from our job, and want to enjoy it at home in our own CNC without need to waste too much time learning some new software

much greeting
i will be back with some challenging 3D drawing to push to the maximum your g-code sender

@DavidBurger @MitchWillard @JeffParish You guys are in!

Testing this out today, all was going good until the final “cut out” pass… Not sure what happened.

Here is what the cut looked like in Easel.

And for some reason on final pass it took a random turn down the center of the project. Any ideas?

That looks a lot like lost steps. Did the belt jump a few teeth?

Hook me up Eric, I would love to test it also!

@JamesMccarty Hooked.

@MitchWillard Ouch, sorry about that. I hate it when a project is going smoothly then at the last minute something crazy happens. Have you been carving things just fine without gcode import, or does it only happen with imported gcode?

There are a few hardware issues that could cause your issue, we should rule these out first. At first glance, I’d say to check your potentiometers on both X and Y. It looks like the X direction lost steps, so turning that pot up would be the first thing I’d do. Check out this thread of an indepth guide to setting them: Setting the stepper motor current limit

(Also, please keep the hardware troubleshooting questions out of this thread, if you need more help just do a quick search or make a new topic, Thanks!)

Just had issue with my Y axis not running smoothly on another cut I tried, adjusted the potentiometer and is running smooth now… Must have been while I wasn’t watching it started binding a little. Good thing was just practicing on MDF, Ill hook it up and try again!

Eric, Sam says I should ask you for the bata access to g-code importing, as well as the sketch feature. Thanks!

@KrisCrawford How can I say no to Sam? You’re in!

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I think there’s a bug in the way Easel loads the gcode coordinates.

In the first pic from Fusion 360 you can see that I’ve defined my WCS at the top front left of the stock box. I’ve defined the stock box to be 200 x 70 x 19mm. Then in the pic from Easel you can see everything shifted by about 30mm in Y and 20mm in X. I was using the Easel post processor plugin.

Would love to try gcode import… could you please enable? Thanks!

I mentioned this in another topic, but I found there is a clampOffset property introduced by the Easel post processing plugin for Fusion 360 which defaults to 1 and this seems to be the cause of the X/Y offset. Setting it to zero seems to fix the issue, though I’m not sure what that’s there in the first place.


I seem to be having the same offset problem, however I am using Aspire. Does anyone know how to turn that off? Or do we know what the exact offset is so I can compensate when setting the home position.

@PamDaniels_BrandonWi You got it!

@StevePrior Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Steve. I’ve submitted the bug in our tracker, and we will take care of it as soon as we can.

clampOffset is a parameter for Carvey’s that may have slipped into x-carve post processors. We have early access for these kind of features for a reason! :slight_smile:

@RamonQuinones I’ve looked through the vectric post processor and I don’t see anything offsetting the gcode. Could you provide a case where this happened?

Thanks again guys!