[NOW LIVE] [new feature] G-code sending through easel

No problem, please let us know when the bug is fixed so we can download the updated post processor.

I need this in my life!! Is there anyway To get in on this still? Im using fusion 360, Solidworks, and Aspire.

I would like to try this please

@LeeChisholm1 @ZackDekuiper Of course theres still room!

I thought cut 2d pro had a post processor for X-carve???


Thank you sir!

I’d love to be added to the group!

this is awesome, i would love to try it as well.

@MikeMerzke @BrettBennett You guys have access!

not to sound stupid but what is the benefit to bringing g-code created in Aspire into easel, over bringing it into UGS?

I’d love to try it. thanks

I would like access to this as well. Thanks

@StevePrior Depending on your CAM software, the clampoffset variable is actually a setting that you can set to 0. It’s quite useful. I do agree it should default to 0 though.

This is the feature I have been looking for! … Sweet!

I would like to ask for access if possible, pretty please @Zach_Kaplan :smile:

I think for two reasons

  1. The number of people who have trouble using UGS, whether to use nightly or stable, initial setup etc, the forums are littered with issues.

  2. To provide a solution that is all Inventables. This allows third party app usage to generate GCode, and still be able to use Easel It lowers the barrier to entry of the X-Carve.

@StevenMckay @TimothyMuse @JohnSorensen Have at it!

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I would like to play with this feature.

@MikeHohman By the power of Greyskull, you have the power!

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Hi guys! I just started doing some more intricate carving and could definitely use this feature! Can I get an invite?

Me Too, Me Too, Puh-Lezzzze!!!