Online chat

I was thinking the other day how awesome it was to watch and chat during the Easel Pro live stream event on Youtube

and what a great idea that would be to have a chat room on the forum itself to help out any member with problem

we could have a couple categories as well

911 (for your emergency x-carve problem)
X-carve (all things x-carve)
Carvey (all things carvey)
Easel (all things easel)
general chat (kinda just for everything related or non-related)

I have seen this implemented on other forums and its always a big success

we will need to have mods but I think this would be a great idea

would love to see this implemented

this could also be away to free up alot of the chit chat that happens in threads on the forum currently

Was tried once before as a “Hangout”, but not very successful. Only four or five people participated.

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like a Google hangout?

I did not know that I wonder if an integrated solution on the forum would perform better?

I notice that this forum does not show you any stats like a v-bulletin forum does

those would be interesting to see

Does anyone use Slack or Discord?

hmm thats a no but what is that?

there is a channel in some chat app there for support?

We have a bot that can chat back. If the bot doesn’t know the answer it allows you to email a human.

We don’t currently have a live chat app operated by a human but we may in the future.