I want to try an open desk furniture build. If i can find one that I can cut within the space of the xcarve 1000mm is this doable? Has anyone got any experience with this? Thank you!
try this www site you can download the design to make with x-carve 1000MM
desk-2.pdf (278.1 KB)
Thanks! So these are .dxf files like the fabchair. If I can convert them to svg I can import them into easel, or should I be using a different software /file format for these than easel?
I just downloaded the .ai file you sent and converted it to svg with cloud convert and it opened in easel. I will try it! thanks again
yes you can converted it to svg and it opened in easel.
if you want to cut bigger design you look into this web site
the CNC is can build in different size 48"X 48" 48"x 96"
So I was able to download an Open Desk project to Easel, how do you size it correctly?