I have made many designs that are either signs with no distance specs or shop projects with distance spect and no graphics. However I have not made a project that has both graphics and distance specifications. Well until now that is. I needed a birthday present for my daughter and wanted to make her a jewelry box. While browsing the Vectric forums, I came across a box known as a “Paradise Box” Since I own Aspire, it was not even a thought if I could use the pattern from their free project of the month designs so I decided to try it out and it turned out very nice.
However, I was thinking about it later and the fact that I see alot of people asking what they should cut out with their CNC after they get them up and running. Well here is a GREAT project for when you get your machine assembled, software working and your calibrations done and you don’t even have to own VCarve or Aspire. This project is free and can be cut out on their trial software.
So if you have ever wanted to make something a bit bigger, more complex and wanted to test your machine and expecially if you are thinking about buying VCarve or Aspire, here is your test. Hope you will consider doing this project to better your CNC work as well as your woodworking in general. Below is a link to the project files and pictures of mine completed.
Vectric’s Paradise Box
May have to try that out for my wife.
Remember Bob… more than one, they start getting really expensive!
Did I read that right? What’s the trick bob I can barely handle 1.
Oh and to the OP absolutely beautiful! work my friend!
Another great thing about the Paradise Box Project from Vectric is that they will allow you to actually generate the gcode for the project even if you are using the trial version of Vcarve or Aspire. So anyone can make this project for free on their X-Carve, just download the free trial from Vectric.
Awesome result. Can you share some details on your execution of the carves? Type of wood? Endmill(s)? Any prep before the carve? I don’t do much v-carving, but when I’ve tried to do a lot of detail, I usually get tearout.
It is soft maple and all the information about bits and such is located in the files you can download from the Vectric site. But basically it is a 90 and 60 degree v-bit and an endmill to cut the parts out and made the dados. I use Whiteside bits, the specific models i use are 1540, 1500 and RD2100. Some people have better luck using a top coat of poly, shellac or laquer before doing the v-carves. I didnt and did have a small amount of tearout on some of the finer petals.
Looks good. I normally don’t v carve that deep but I makes the design stand out.
I cut several of there free project when I first got up and running. My software skills were very elementary so it was nice to produce a project that was so nice.
I have a coworker who also has a CNC. He made the same box but replaced the v carve area with a basket weave area and a logo. It looked good. I may have to make a box this winter. Thanks for sharing.
Is There A Way to open this in Easel?
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Great work. Looks beautiful.
Thank You!!
What is Aspire?