what is the best place to get phone docking station svg files or what best program to design my own shape docking night stand i am a newbie or how can i copy this shape
You can upload the image in Easel and trace it. https://inventables.desk.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2443826-walkthrough-tutorial-image-trace?b_id=9566
You could also try to turn it to back and white then use an online conversion program to turn it into an SVG to import. https://inventables.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/2052876-svg-import-guide
If all this fails, since these are fairly easy shapes, you will need to take measurements and replicate using the tools in Easel.
Hope this helps.
I’m more curious as to how they fit together… lol
I wondered that myself but decided better not ask.