Ive downloaded the trial of PhotoVcarve and the Postprocessor for vectric to easel, its says after download go to File and Open Application Data Folder, but i dont see Application Data Folder in the PhotoVcarve software, is it because its the trial version?
This is a screenshot i took in Aspire, but should be similar. See what i put the red box around, that’s what you’r looking for under the file tab.
In the vcarve desktop trial I downloaded I have that option but in the photo2carve download it’s not.
This is all the options i have in the photovcarve trial software, further down the screenshot is a dropdown list of postprocessers but i dont think any of them work with easel
I’ve managed to sort it, in photo2carve you have to manually add the vectric to easel pp file through the windows file system