Every single cut to place the material and remove the material the machine is in the way. This takes valuable time away from the user, please place a button that moves the machine to a specified location. This is a major time suck when trying to burn through material, like seriously please help
In Easel Pro, I believe there’s already an option to park the gantry past the piece being cut. You have to choose it from the end of cutting screen.
However, I don’t use it because it’s more aggressive than I need. I usually do the following things after a cut is complete:
- Switch to 1" mode for Z, and raise it twice, so I can remove the dust boot.
- Type a value into the “Custom XY Distance” that’s further back than my piece, and move just the Y axis back.
This is pretty quick, but also makes it easy for me to undo when setting up the next piece, since I can just reverse those two steps. I did this a lot when cutting out all of my shop cabinets earlier this year, moving through about 20 sheets of plywood.
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