Pop-up inch to mm converter

What was the pop-up inch to mm converter that was in the video " Easel Live: Cutting Board Inlay" on Mar 3, 2021, at 30:00, by Cullum?

Hi James, that was a good question, I don’t use a mac so it took me a minute to realize what it was and then I looked at the upper left of Brandon’s screen and noticed, yep, he’s on a Mac. . .

That’s the Mac OS “Spotlight search” and you can just type in an equation and it runs it like the calculator app. . . He’s on a mac and the icon on the right side is the regular calculator app… going frame by frame u can see the name of the application. . .

But that wasn’t actually a inch to mm conversion it was a fraction to decimal (both inches) that he did. . .

Btw the golden number for a conversion to/from mmm and inches is 25.4 . . .
so 1"=25.4mm and 1mm =1/25.4" or 0.03937007874015748031496062992126…"

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Thank you so much.

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