Preview Disappears when generating detailed preview

I downloaded a DXF file for a project, and it looks fine, but when I generate a preview, it disappears and shows nothing to carve. It had a border, which I have had problems in the past as it seems to cover any design within, but I removed it and was going to add later. It all still will not preview or show anything to carve. It flashes the design, but disappears.
Any thoughts?

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Can you share your project with us? We might be able to see the issue too. Also, check the bit size, if the bit is to big it will not show up in the preview.

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The process to share the project is covered in the 2nd half if the video. Once set to unlisted, if you could copy the link shown and paste it over here, that would be most helpful

Reduce your depth of cut, possibly change your 90 degree a 60 degree

Change the cut type to the “pocket” one
Then run the detail :+1: should be good to go

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Thanks guys, both answer is giving exactly what I was looking for!

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