Probe macro in easel for Z or all 3 axis

and for those using carvey, easel is the only supported option by inventables.

The G-Code that my spreadsheet generates is customizable in every way you suggest… and then some.

Each user measures their touch plate, test it, then fine tunes it to get a zero that is as accurate as they desire. Once fine tuning is complete you never have to do it again unless something on your system changes.

When generating the g-code the users specifies the bit diameter and feed rate to probe.

When auto zeroing all 3 axis the X is first followed by the Y and then the Z. After the Z height is set the code retracts the bit 1/8 inch up and then moves it 1 inch away from the touch plate in X and Y so you can easily remove the touch plate without risking contact with the bit.

To take things one step further, my spreadsheet will also allow you the option to set your X and Y location zero that is anywhere you like. If you want it in the center or even on a different corner of your material.

I emailed Zach Kaplan a while back asking them if it would be possible to allow g-code import into Easel that would allow for zeroing. Currently the G-Code Spec for Easel does not allow for G-Code commands that call for probing. He promptly replied and asked me to send a copy of my msg to him (which included the complete g-code to zero all three axis at one time) to the Easel support team. I did as he asked and received a reply from them about a week later. They said they would look in to it by circulating my suggestion to the developers.

I have not heard anything since. Not a peep! I have no idea if they are working on it or disregarded the suggestion. I imagine that allowing the use of zeroing commands is not as simple as allowing the code but with all the stuff that Easel already does, I would think that they could figure it out. After all, the commands are already a part of standard G-Code and they are not re-inventing the wheel. I’m not a software engineer so I perhaps it is more complicated than I think it should be.

I think the only way it will ever happen is if the Easel users make enough noise about it. CNC machines are based on precision, why allow something like eyeballing zero’s to introduce such a random deviation. Zeroing with a touch plate is precise and repeatable. It only makes sense.


It’s technicly possible but:

Note: Using any non-­Easel software or any software provided by a third party to directly control Carvey will void your warranty.

I am not debating who has the best macro’s. Mine isn’t even a macro, It is the full g-code file. That said I was trying to support your ideal about getting Easel to accept conventional g-code. The only reason I gave so much detail about my stuff is because it is what I sent to Zach and Easel support and have yet to hear back from support. If they accepted my code then Macro’s with some of the same command lines would certainly work just as well.

So again I will say, The only way we will see touch plate zeroing is if enough people ask for it. Discussing it in this fashion isn’t likely to get their attention as I doubt they read 100% of the posts.

I would start the campaign myself except for the fact that I am biased about it because I am selling the product that more people would buy if it was compatible with Easel. A campaign to petition Easel Support to get on the ball and allow touch plate zeroing would be best headed up by someone who doesn’t have a dog in the fight.

My apologies if I offended.



I would think that since the X-Controller has an obviously supported probe connection on the back that Easel should provide support for it if Inventables expects Easel to be the main/supported way to send GCode to the machine.


yep I know. carvey supports non easel software, but I guess they fear broken units from people that don’t want to fix their machines themeself.

anyways I would love probing-posibillity on my carvey with my warrenty intact :stuck_out_tongue:
My only possibility now have been to shave off the top of the material first in the machine and then start to carve to get an even result…

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The “rest of the puzzle” required to do parameterized macros is equally desirable: a com port console window and a very basic text macro system that has tokens.

The com port console is easy to rationalize. Even without parameters, macros can be very useful. But we could do a lot more than just zeroing. (Surfacing and texturing being other good examples)

Please add my “yes, please” vote to this thread!

I have been following this with great interest. Back in the early days of computers, I used to do macros and other types of coding. I know that when someone says, “This is a very simple thing to do”, I can count on even the simplest change can mean massive amounts of lines of code and time.

Therefore I make the following recommendation. Those of you that still do macros and coding, combine your talents into a forum/community project, and provide the code to Easel Development Team.

It should be simple! LOL

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Adding a macro option would make Easel a world class g-code sender. TBH a macro option and a separate Probe button would be even better.


I’m with Phil on this one the lack of a probe function is the biggest reason people use UGS in the first place.
I hate having to either use UGS or just taking a SWAG & not caring because I’ll just have to throw away the
rest of the workpiece. I want a probe function in Easel!!!


One huge advantage of using probe commands to zero your bits is that if you have a system crash, a lockup, or you hit the e-stop button, you can often recover and resume the cut with the same work piece by re-zeroing and starting over. I did this in a video to prove it. I started a cut and then stopped it in mid stream. I removed my work piece from the machine, rebooted, remounted it, re-zeroed and restarted the cut. When it finished you could not tell where I had stopped it.

Of course, this will only work if you zero all three axis. That is one thing I love about my touch plate, it does all three axis at once.


@PhilJohnson Charley is the man! Best and easiest way to zero out. AND he keeps updating his spreadsheet with more features and refinements.

I love my Charley Touch Plate!!

yay a macro button customisable with a g-code (or whatever langage easel use) will be awsome !

i usualy use “homing” with easel, but every time i move next to the center of wastboard
so a second button (move 400x 400y) will be great
or same, when i finish i go to 800y to have a clear space of work
i do it everytime with the “carve” menu…

+1 for customisable g-code macro !

I was just going to bring this point up.

Phil is right, Easel should support the use of a probe. Sad that this was over looked by Inventables.

Good news! Here’s a response from Inventables;

“the probe feature was put on as an option for future releases of Easel. At the moment you can run a probe cycle with something like Universal GCode Sender, though Easel will be rolling out a probe cycle feature in the coming months.”


I sent a request to allow probing commands several months ago. Could it be that they are going to finally allow those G-Code commands?

Unless that have changed something I don’t think it will work. The G-Code Speck for Easel does not include probing commands such as G38.2

Here is a link to the allowed g-code in Easel. It hasn’t been updated since 12/18/2015

About a week ago I was poking around in the source code for Easel Local with the idea that maybe it would be possible to create standalone utilities that talk to it. Unless I’m wrong it appears that every time it starts it gets a “config” download from Easel which actually lists every code it supports. Not a total deal breaker, but whatever I might write would have to recreate that. But it does mean that you’re not going to send any codes from Easel’s macro interface that haven’t been added to the list.

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It pains me to admit it but that is WAY above my skillset. Best of luck to you though.