After a year of frustration some one in our forum suggested l purchase a usb cable with ferrite beads so I did and that finally solved the problem of my cnc stopping mid carve (see attachment) Thank You.
have the same problem I have ordered the cable and hope it works. THANK YOU!
Larry I want to give James Walls the credit for suggesting the filtered USB cable that solved my many months of frustrations. I tried everything but the kitchen sink, and in the end it was a simple filtered USB cable between my laptop and CNC controller. Hope this works for you. Let us know.
Jim T.
I had the same issue right after setting mine up. I put ferrite chokes on everything and grounded the chassis to the building ground rod. No more issues!
I am currently having the same problem. The cable was not an issue or so I thought. I too will try this. I hope it’s the problem so I can finally enjoy my projects. Thanks
I tried all the cables, etc., and finally found out my Mac was timing out. Reset to never timing out and that did it. Duh!!!
Just ordered cable. Im hoping it will fix my stopping issue. Ive tried everything else.
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