Problem tabs

I have a problem with the use tabs. it can be seen on the drawing but not on the preview. also do not want to engrave the tabs. have also done software update and Easel Driver. what’s the problem ??

Hello Steven and welcome to the forum,
The tabs do not show up in the preview, if you dont want to use tabs when you select an object the cut/shape window opens up and on the cut they have a box toward the bottom that says “Use Tabs”, you can un check that box

i know how it works but it wold not do it. look at the picture I think this is a software problem. everything is set with Use Tabs you can see it on the left part but not on the preview on the right side and it doesn’t engrave one either.

Its not going to show the tabs in the preview, you have it set to 1.0mm, that’s not leaving a lot of material left to hold the remaining piece on, you may be cutting the tabs off. Try making the tab height 2.0mm and recheck the thickness of your material

that’s strange since when are the tabs no longer displayed in the preview? a few months ago these could still be seen in the preveuw.
if I set the tabs higher then it does not engrave yet and I understand that the tabs must be 2.0 mm I was trying the 1.0 mm.