yeah still a lot of work on my part as I am only about 6 hours in on my venture lol. A lot of my projects come from spur of the moment thoughts and win or fail I will make them anyhow just to see my thoughts made reality and it’s fun.
I would love to share those, but I bought the models from Design and Make:
They have some excellent models.
no worries yeah i have been looking at those
they are proving hard to find open source
but when you purchased those models how did you like the files? everything work great for you in V-carve pro?
They worked perfectly. I have bought a few. Check on ebay also, I have purchased a lot from there.
yeah i will have to look into it thanks
what is your rotary axis? custom fabrication? would you share a photo?
nevermind found your other post…My Journey to a Rotary Axis on the X-Carve
must sleep…
I checked with Vectric on this and now I understand how their software works and as Erik and Todd pointed out it does require a special setup to work. The linear moves are not just converted to segmented moves, but instead they are converted to angular moves. Takes care of the steps/mm issue.
I want a rotary attachment…
mortgage the house
demand a loan
tape that credit card back together
sell the car
sell the boat
hell sell the kids
go get you one!! lol
Don’t have a house
Dont’ have any credit card or credit
Can’t sell the car I need it.
Do not have boat or kids either.
I only have a horse but if I sell that I will go crazy…
start a go fund me page i guess? lol
this little one can be made for around 20 bucks
This direct drive version is interesting I was thinking on modifying a small Harbor Freight lathe to inset into the waste board under my gantry to use as a 4th axis or working out building the shop notes rotary machine and making it work with stepper motors… cutting all the gearing on the xcarve would be easy enough.
A 2.5 D version of this works with easel to
Good idea Robert. I didn’t really think about that! Perhaps a wasteboard insert when not using the axis then plopping the axis in for rotary carve. This would also eliminate the need for clamps to hold the rotary axis if designed right.
I’m thinking up to 3" diameter.
I made taller endplates for my Y- Axis and I can put risers under my rotary axis if I need to raise it. Without risers I can do about 6" diameter.