Purchase acme Delrin nut separately

Hi, with my x-carve upgrade kit coming soon I’m finding a use for all my extra parts ill have that’s getting replace. Planning on making a “printoko.”

Anyways, for my build I need a longer acme rod than usual (getting that from mcmaster) but I don’t like any of the nuts they have for it and would prefer to use the one inventables provides but I can’t purchase the nut separately in the store. Anyone can help me out on this?

As soon as all pre-ordered X-Carves have shipped virtually everything will go on sale as a separate item.

Try openbuilds.com parts store. I’ve bought 8mm acme thread nuts from then before. Another source might be IMService http://www.cadcamcadcam.com/cncmachinecomponents.aspx Even if they don’t show it on their website, they sell them in their Ebay store and stock them. I also buy acme screw from them - great prices and best product for money.

Here it is: Nut Block for 8mm Metric Acme Lead Screw - OpenBuilds Part Store