Did a test carving on PVC/Sintra today. Used a work piece that served as a waste piece when I did some airbrushing to see how it would come out. I have a few questions before I carve the real thing.
Material: White PVC 0.25" thick
Project size: 18.25 x 10.75
Large area clearance: 0.25 EM Upcut, 4 Flute
Clear pocket: Offset, conventional
Pass depth: 0.06
Number of passes: 1
Stepover: 25%
Spindle speed: 11,000
Feed rate: 120 inches/min
Plunge: 20
Second Tool: 1/16" EM Upcut, 2 Flute
Pass depth: 0.06
Number of passes: 1
Stepover: 10%
Spindle speed: 11,000
Feed rate: 50 inches/min
Plunge: 10
As you can see, the cuts are not at the same depths on the large area clearing, and the detail cut is not 100% even to the clearance cut. Also got some fraying. What am I doing wrong? Granted, I am not using the highest quality bits, but I wouldn’t expect the cuts being so uneven. Something off on the machine alignment? Wrong bits used? Too much stepover? Thanks for sharing your insight!