Questions from a new owner

I recently purchased a used XCarve 750X750mm.

  1. I would like to replace the waste board but am unsure if the clamp screws can be removed and reused… if so, is there a special tool to remove them?
  2. I would like to replace the Dewalt 611 with a spindle, preferably air cooled, any suggestions on a make/model?
  3. Are there any instructions on upkeep and preventative maintenance?
  4. Is there a program for resurfacing your waste board?

Thanks for your comments and help!

I’d imagine it is similar to this:

X-Carve Instructions: Work Area

You can buy a router bit for surfacing your work board and there are online programs to generate the g code.

Wasteboard Surfacing - LongMill CNC

Used VCarve and wrote my own resurfacing program… we’ll see how it works!

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Hey I hope it worked well for you.

I have found that using vcarve pro and doign a .05 or .1 pass over the spoilboard works great.

Probably the easiest way to find a spindle that works is to take calipers to the router thats on it and see what size it reads.

You can also make a bracket to fit the spindle, that would fit the existing hole mounting pattern the z axis gantry.

I think I have an idea that’s not overly complex to execute if your interested.

I’m very interested!