Recycled Wall Plaque

I have a friend with an 81-year-old father that decided he want an adventure. He commandeered another senior friend and they canoed 91 miles of a local river over a 5 day period. Part of the river in canalized and open but 55 miles is winding and snag filled. They completed it with smiles all around. I thought the effort was outstanding, especially considering his age, and I decided to make him a plaque commemorating the event
I am big on “repurposing” items which explains my shop stuffed full of junk! I have several 7”x 9” walnut plaques I was awarded during my working years and are of no significance to me now. I removed the metal nameplates but that left both discolored wood and holes in various areas. I decided to apply and inlay of .1” birch plywood which would eliminate the defects and provide a nicer color contrast to etch with my J Tech Laser. When I cut the pocket I also machined several groves for excess glue to help eliminate ant squeeze out.

Worked out fairly well and he was very pleased. The X Carve is really a great tool! Just love messing with it.


That looks awesome! He will be proud of that plaque

That is a great story and a wonderful piece of work on your part. Well done!!

That looks great and i am sure he will enjoy it.

It almost looks lasered. Did you use a vbit or laser?

Yes, it was done with a laser. I have the small J Tech 2.8 watt and it does a great job engraving.