Good idea…thanks
well after searching for the perfect star I found what I was looking for on the ventric website, the design & make to be exact. I downloaded the star and loaded it into vcarve but now I don’t know how to get the toolpaths to work right so I can cut it out. does anyone have experience using these?
hey Phil I am trying to set up UGS for my xcarve is there anything specific I need to do and when you are saving the toolpaths what is the save file extension should be used?
sorry for all the newbie questions Phil but do I put the post processor into the vcarve PP folder and I am guessing I copy it to notepad first.
Thanks… I have been trying to use the PP from xcarve to import from vcarve into easel…anyone have thoughts on that.
ok I see what your talking about now… I think I will have to use easel for now until I learn how to use UGS and the Macro better.
ok I am ready to throw this thing. I have 3D model from design and make, I then load it into vecarv desktop make the toolpaths save the gcode for easel then load it into easel. when it is running the pass depth is .0331 so it will take 2 hours but I have no idea where I can change the pass depth in vcarve desktop. can anyone point me to a tutorial that will help me with this.
yea that’s what I have been doing since I wrote the last post… I think my eyes might fall out. ha ha, those videos are a life saver. so I have been looking at layers and toolpath tiling but I can’t figure out how to split up a large projects into smaller sections. every time I make a roughing and finishing vector for one group of stars it incorporates all the stars and the estimated time is 32 hours. Is there a way to split up the stars to cut in groups in one project or is it more efficient just to make smaller projects?