I am carving a 6 foot long piece of 1/4" neoprene rubber. I’ve gotten the machine to do what I want it to do but I am having a problem with two tiles matching in depth.
I will carve the first tile completely with three different pages. Two I use a 1/4" downward bit to carve multiple ribs in the rubber. The last I use a round over bit to round over the edges of the ribs.
The problem comes when I advance to the second tile. I use the same bits and depth settings but the second tile is about a 1/16" higher than the first tile. I redo do the second page and adjust the bit down to match the first tile but then the remaining material is thinner than the first tile.
I mount the piece of rubber on a 6 foot long piece of MDF using two sided carpenter tape which is very sticky. It holds rubber fine. I am thinking that the piece of MDF I am using might be slightly thicker on one end and would like to resurface the entire piece of MDF. Can I do a resurface using the tile feature? Resurface the MDF in two procedures?