Save Coordinates on Easel

I designed and printed this corner bracket to give me a solid place to always start my carves. However I don’t know how in easel to save, or even view the coordinates that would be the zero point of the bracket.

I know that there are coordinates on the move menu up top, but they don’t seem to be the same, and when I set a work zero in a project, and then click work zero to return there, after homing, the machine goes to the opposite corner entirely.

Thank you

You can attach your corner bracket where you want work zero to be. When running each project, select you last X,Y position and it will use the last work zero spot. I have a similar setup and haven;t changed work zero for 1.5 years now.

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OK, so do your probe, and then on the next screen say use last. Regardless of where the bit it after probing, it will start at the saved zero point?