Setting up laptop, carving air

I’m trying to setup my laptop (2016 MacBook Pro, 16GB, MacOS Monterey) to run the X-Carve at a local Makerspace. It’s usually connected to a Windows machine, and works fine. After setting up the Machine on my laptop, I was finally ready to Carve, but it’s carving air, with the Z axis offset appearing to be about the thickness of the probe sensor.
I deleted the machine and did the setup a second time, with the same result.
What are my next troubleshooting steps?

Maybe check to see if you have the right z axes set up. Just a thought. Also welcome to the community

It jogs correctly from the Easel UI, and runs thru the calibration with the probe seemingly OK.


My x-carve Pro does that from time to time. I’ve been on the phone with Tec Support so many times that I think that they need to be at the top of the list of my Christmas Card list, and I may have to name a child after them. That said, I’ve never found the cause of the problem. Ghosts in the machine I suppose. But the solution has been to home and rehome if necessary. I’ve also had to do hard boots (shut off machine AND computer, turn them all back on, and then home the machine).

signed “an analog man trapped in a digital world”

I’ll give this a try when I get back to the Makerspace.

It feels like we have a failing Z axis motor. When I jog up 10mm, the spindle only moves 2-3mm. Same with down. The motor is also noisier than the X and Y axis motors.

If you have the upgraded z axes it is a lot noisier. Did you check to see you had the right z axes choosen in your setup.

Further analysis is that the sound was the handle rattling. With the handle off, it sounds fine. Grub screws on the pulley are tight, and when the power is off, it turns freely by hand. Jogging 10mm moves the spindle approx 3mm, in either the up or down direction. Is there a parameter somewhere that could have changed by connecting the new laptop?