Small Tray (with Fusion 360 files)

This is my test carve from today. It’s pretty small (4x6). I still need to sand and refinish a few times, but I think it came out pretty well. The bottom edge was finished on the router rather than the X-Carve just to keep it easy. Not sure about the finish. All tips are welcome.

If anyone is interested, here is a link to the Fusion 360 file for it. Fusion 360 Tray File
be sure to edit the stock height, and other parameters to fit your setup and materials

If you make one, or make improvements, please share!


Thanks. This is made with Ambrosia Maple. Lovely stuff.

I tried my first one with Danish Oil, and it looks nice, but gave it a bit more of a yellow tint than I wanted. Do they make a clear, or is it all just basically the same? The one pictured has a single application of Spar Urethane on it (natural), and it seems a bit redder and warmer. I think I’ll try your idea with the mineral oil next with a clear gloss finish over top.

BTW, before using the toolpaths, be sure to edit the files to fit your wood size and bits. I used quarter inch endmills for the whole thing, but using a 1/8th inch on the finish pass, or decreasing the stepover, would probably make sanding a lot easier.

There’s probably a lot of tweaks that could be made, but I figure if nothing else the files could be fun to mess with. If you make one, let me see,

I’ve pretty much completed the finish on this, and thought I would post a final pic. The curl in the maple is hard to get in a picture, but you can make it out somewhat. I’m pretty pleased with how it came out.

EDIT: just noticed that back corner. I guess one more coat of finish couldn’t hurt.