I’m wondering if anyone has ever built a gear driven model of the solar system (apparently called an Orrery)? I am a huge physics/space nerd and would love to build one, but i haven’t seen anything that is carved that looks doable. Not sure if anyone has any particular experience with this kind of thing.
Not mine, just an example (linked below)
A few resources:
- Easiest possible version, good place to start, foam-core + hobby knife + hot glue sun/earth/moon system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCHFNlEoFII
- Laser cut model that could probably be adapted to carving pretty easily? http://www.instructables.com/id/Orrery-a-Mechanic-Solar-System-Model-Designed-for-/
- Pro pro pro mode: home machine shop, beautifully made from brass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmNuG15cqNw
I’ll try to post some updates as I try to wrap my brain around how gears work.