Some clocks

Here are some clocks I finished up. Carved in 3/4 pine, designed in Vcarve using clipart and part of a Vectric project. !/8" BN for horse And 60deg Vbit for Vcarving.


Nice design. What stain and finish did you use to get that rustic, antique look? Also what type of paint did you use for the numbers?

Thanks. Just used red oak colored stain and then many coats of spray lacquer. No paint. For the darkened v carved areas and numbers I just heavily saturated with the stain and wiped off the excess.

I agree with the grain direction.
However, I think he nailed it with the horse running.

Never really considered grain direction but i think i agree with you. Will try to keep this in mind on future work.

I think the horse looks good with the horizontal grain. The others though, I agree should be vertical.