I am a brand new X-Carver (just finished assembly). I am trying to install an 1/8" bit onto the spindle, but the collet nut seems too big and won’t tighten around the bit. Is there a second smaller collet nut supposed to be provided, or an adapter of some kind, or am I doing something wrong?
yes. inventables sells, ( and others) a 1/4-1/8" adapter. it SHOULD come with the machine, since they sell bits in 1/8" pretty much exclusively. do you have any 1/4" shank bits?
Thank you for repsonding. No, I do not have any 1/4" bits. I do see that Inventables sells a precision grade 1/8" collet for $25 plus $15 delivery. It seems a little steep. Do you recommend a 1/4 to 1/8" adapter?
i use these. exclusively. buy a couple for $10 to make it worth the goofy shipping
Thanks, you’ve been very helpful! I appreciate it.
Are you sure that the adapter did not come with the router. Mine was included in the box when I purchased my X-Carve 2 months ago.
If it was supposed to come with the kit and none is found Inventables may provide you with one. Let them know
As others said, you should have one. It’s just a small metal ring/tube. Doesn’t look like much.
I checked everywhere in the box, but did not find it. Thanks for your help! I guess I’ll just get one.
Thank you. I plan on contacting them this morning. Thanks for your help.
I thought it may be packaged in a small plastic bag, maybe with the wrench, but I didn’t find it. Thanks for your help!
Before you go and spend the money on that I would call inventables first. they were great with me on a broken part that came I had the replacement within 48 hours at no charge. The customer service is great. One last place you may want to look in inside the 1/4" collet. Sometimes they ship the router with the adapter installed already.
You’re right. Thank you very much!
I purchased the xcarve with the 611 mount but no router and that reducer came with the mount.
I checked every box and bag. Still haven’t found it. Thanks for the information!
Elaire sells various size collets for the DeWalt. I’ve been using an Elaire collet for 3+ years with no problems. You can check them out at: http://elairecorp.com/dewaltroutercollets.html
Thanks, I’ll check it out.
I’ve had my X Carve for several years now. Right away, I bought the 1/4 to 1/8 adapter. No new collet nut needed. I have a fair assortment of both size bits, but, as I got further into carving, I have been trying to “standardize” on 1/4 to simplify tool changes. I’m using Aspire to develop tool paths. As much as I can, I run the tool paths consequently, just changing bits and re-zeroing Z (only) if the machine is still online.
Of course, if the job is very long, I take a break and start up later. It may be a little more difficult to get some smaller bits with a 1/4 shaft. For example, one of my best bits for finishing is a 1/16 ball-end. To get down to 1/16 from 1/4
, the bit is tapered as shown in the photo. The taper may or may not be a problem depending upon the depth of cut and what you’re cutting.Thanks for the information! I appreciate the advice!