Splitting an image into spot colors

Hello Folks,
I am looking as to how to split the image of Luther’s Seal into the red black green blue and Gold for drawing with a pen tool.
Thanks in advance,

full color seal

First off, I’m just getting into using Inkscape. I loaded your graphic and then converted it into a DXF by using trace bitmap. I can open a Dxf in Rhino3d, and manipulate the lines.

Inkscape should be able to do the same kind of thing and save as an SVG for Easel.

Could you perhaps send me your file?
Thank you and God Bless,
Martin Gutzmer

I’ll try to teach you to fish here…LOL. I right button clicked on your image and saved as a JPeg to my desktop.

full color seal

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Next I opened up Inkscape…It’s a free download off the internet. That opens up like this:

Then in Inkscape, I imported your drawing.

Next under Path, at the top, I scroll down to “Trace Bitmap”

Next over on the Right, select Edge Detection. I have NOT played with any number values…so that probably is a useful thing to learn.

Now hit “apply” button. It’ll take some time… then click update preview.

Now this is the part I’m not sure about. I saved the file as DXF format. I have only used Inkscape about 3 times in 2 years, so I haven’t got a handle on it, but the color image is there, and the black and white image is there… You just have to find it…LOL. Hit Apply. Now you see both drawings. I deleted the color one leaving the Black and White one.

Now save as again…you get different format choices including SVG.

I hope that helps and wish I knew more about Inkscape too. LOL

Mostly you have to play with this software to learn what stuff does.


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Wow Mr McCclary ,
Thank You So Very Much!!!



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