Steve's Projects

Unless I just do something completely wrong in building the file, no they come out just fine. Now I will clarify that I did have lessons learned along the way learning to make things come out a bit nicer and cleaner. I have had very few that I have had to re-cut.

This forum is awesome. I read every post every day whether I think its relevant to me or not. That and You Tube videos have been a great help. There are also several Facebook groups I follow.

I ordered mine April of last year got it assembled in May, until then I had zero CNC experience. I am in the printing industry and early on before computers we did everything the old way with reproduction cameras masking and film. So that has helped me tremendously with understanding how to make things come out the way I want. My career took me out of the graphic development side of the business as computers were coming on so as I understand it I never actually did the computer side of the work.

Now to master the Bezier tool in Ink Scape!

And thanks for the compliment!