How far does it get before it stops?
Does it stop always on the same spot, i.e. the same line on the code file?
And it still fails with the router powered off?
Have you tried running any other carvings? Do they also fail?
Make a simple design, a square and circle and try that.
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Each time differently, I tried different projects and still displays error 8
On a turned off spindle, “runs in the air”
Today I have disconnected the arduinu uno plate from the machine
All projects are successful but continue to display error 8
I uploaded tagger grbl versions 1.1g
Do you feed the Arduino with external power through the black power socket (10-15VDC)?
If you dont I really suggest you do.
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Tak zasilany jest zasilaczem
I think maybe it’s time you contact Inventables directly.
Could be just noise and I would certainly try what Haldor is suggesting by using an external power supply. You could also try a POWERED USB hub instead of connecting the Arduino directly to the computer. And also using another, good quality, USB cable preferably with ferrite cores at the ends.
Good luck. Let us know how it goes once you get your hardware.
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Thank you so much for your help, you are great
I will notify you well
I solved the problem I had grbl 1.1e changed to 0.9i and everything works
But I need to connect a laser and work with lightburn
But there is no position $ 30 $ 31 $ 32
What kind of grbl does it have that will obviously work with easel?
If i remember right when i hooked mine up you need to upgrade the firmware.
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which software do not really understand?
I use Easel. But i know when i set my laser up 1 of those setting was not there. I was running the older firmware and was advised to up grade which brought all the setting up so i could change them.
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I upgraded to grbl 1.0c laser works but easel displays error not idle what does this mean?
I am not sure but to get all the setting to set up your laser you will need to have the 1.0 or there maybe a 1.1. What kind of laser?
laser works fine with 1.0c. But this error is displayed in easel, not food.
But which 1.1 to use? there are several versions 1.1f and 1.1h but I had the same errors as in 1.1e error 8 and the engraving stopped
Not sure. Do you have a off brand laser?
I have a 6.5 watt diode laser