Tabs - Specify Amount and Placement


Please change the color of the tabs! I and others can not see red on a black back ground.

Would this be better?

Quick mockup @chrisbalin threw together.



Yes, Thanks!

Hey @BryanKlotz , we changed the color and its live!


Looks great! I have never been able to see red on black unless it is backlit. Really appreciate it!

@BryanKlotz No problem! I’m red/green color blind and it was a bit difficult for me to see, too. So I welcome this change!

Any updates on specifying the number of tabs? It’s going to be difficult to make a couple of my next projects with limited tabs.

@Rusty - I think this will be coming out very soon.


Easel now lets you change the number of tabs:

You can click the up/down arrows or type in a value. Right now it restricts the range to 1-16 per object, and it will regenerate all tab positions when the value is changed.



oh man you guys are the best! Made my night!

I saw that new tick box last night around midnight. :smiley:

Thank you! Can’t wait to try this new feature this weekend :).


How come I don’t see the “use tabs” option when I select an object?

Make sure the cut depth of the object is set to the same as the material thickness, otherwise the tabs option won’t appear.

@JeffTalbot Is there any chance that tabs can be made to only be placed fully on 1 vector? I spend a bunch of time moving the tabs around because they are mostly placed in corners.

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It’s something we could look into. Tabs are evenly spaced around an outline starting at the first point on the outline. This does lead to tabs being initially placed on corners for shapes like squares.


Is it possible to move all tabs at the same time on a field of 50 stars? They seem to always be placed at the points, not ideal.

It’s not possible to move them all at the same time, but once you have moved them on one shape they will stay in the same place if you copy/paste that shape.

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