Thinking of buying an X-Carve. Have questions

Found an X-Carve locally for $1300. Is this a good price for a barely used 3rd hand machine?
Does the machine use G-code input or is there proprietary software needed?
Is anyone using F360 hobbyist version with their machine?
I currently use a Snapmaker A250 for my CNC needs but am ready to upgrade.
Thanks in advanced for an help you can provide.

That could be a good price, depending on condition and age. If it’s the very first gen, with an exposed controller and janky wiring then I’d not pay over $500.
X-Carve is a Grbl based G-Code cnc
Fusion360 works with grbl post processor.
A late model X-Carve (even the pre nov-2020) is an upgrade to a snapmaker…

Thanks for your reply.
It looks to be in good shape. Not sure of production year. Here’s a pic

The Snapmaker is actually a very nice machine. It has been a great tool for learning 3D printing, CNC, and laser work; along with learning all the related software. I used it to design and build flight sim controllers for myself and others. Made enough money to pay for all my equipment, materials, and time spent designing. Now I’m ready to jump in the deep end and start building bigger. Been eyeing the X-Carve for years but didn’t have the room or extra cash. Now I do. I intend to add a CO2 laser machine and resin 3D printer to the mix in the near future.

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I have one for sale, barely used. Has upgrades and jtech photonics laser. Fully equipped, includes Zotac computer, monitor, vacuum system, etc.

Thanks for the heads up, but I need a CO2 and already have a computer. Looks like you have a nice setup there. Have you listed it on Craigslist? Would probably be an easier sell locally considering all that’s included. Good luck.

That is a newer model.
$1300.00 seems like a decent price.
Especially if the table and the dust collector comes with it.
Does it come with any tooling?
First thing you’ll do is upgrade the Z axis to one with linear bearings instead of the wheels.
I have to wonder though, why is it third hand already?

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