Toolpaths from vectric aspire to my xcarve

Hi everyone :smiley:

Anyone can help me how can i carve a vectric free project with my xcarve? :smiley:

Or anyone tried to carve this clock before?

Thank you.

Do you have Vectric Aspire v8.0 or above? That is required to do this project.

Yes :smiley:

I have the version 8.0 exactly

Have you worked with Aspire before to generate toolpaths and cut on your X-Carve yet? I would go through some of the tutorials before I jumped into this project.

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I just used the easel before. I am beginner but i really want to learn to generate toolpaths and carve in 3d :smiley:

I highly recommend the tutorial videos. I have found them incredibly helpful. Watching the videos and following along in the software. Because Aspire is the “upgraded” version of VCarve all of the videos should be of use.

When you are ready there are several threads on loading and customizing post processors and sending g-code. (Aspire should uses the same post processors and VCarve. )