Tormach now has a "Personal CNC mill"

Even the “Big” boys are starting to understand there is a growing hobbyist market for these machines.

Starting at about $5,000 (more like $7,000 when you add the required options) this is a pretty amazing machine. The work area is a bit small, but usable 10″ x 6.25″ x 10″ (XYZ).


If you’re looking to solely mill metal that would be the way to go

OK now I see where to spend the profits from all the milling the X carve has been doing. It is a logical next step up in milling aluminum for me. Time to mill more and save up!

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Interesting. Going to Maker Faire this weekend - definitely going to check it out!

Lets us know what you think of it.

Just back from the NY maker faire and checked out the PCNC 440 and Tormach had 2 of them on the floor starting at about $6500- It’s a beautiful machine for one offs, but with such a small build plate I don’t see much as far as production runs. But really eats through aluminium quick! Really quiet also, with the door closed you hear almost nothing standing right up against it while cutting aluminium. It would be a great machine for anyone who prototypes in metal. The one in the pic is closer to $7500

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I was at Maker Faire yesterday and today, checked the Tormach out a few times. I’ll upload a few videos, here is one. It is really quiet.

I talked with the staff there, apparently only pre orders are being taken and those are all kits. Once they get through them they will have a la carte ordering options. The kits include most of what you’d need including some tooling.

Weight is 450 lbs. it’s set up with a mist coolant, not sure what the options are. If I had something I could make $ from in aluminum right now I’d definitely get one.

One more pic: the controller

Ha ha, mine does cut circles so no profit for me.