TRADE X CARVE PRO 4X2 FOR BAMBU X1 Carbon with AMS or $1,580.47 Cash

Continuing the discussion from About the For Sale and Trade category:

This is going to be the worst sale pitch ever but I spent 6k on my X carve pro 4 x2 ( yes I paid the old price which they dropped in half the same month). I purchased it in Jan of 2024. It has barely been used. I hate this machine. I am willing to trade it for a brand new Bambu X1 Carbon with AMS or $1,580.47 cash which is the total price if you purchased the x1 with ams online. I will give you all my router bits and my 4 inch Dust hose adapter. I want my work bench space back it has more value then this piece of sh@t to me. I will even give you the 2 and a half years worth of my easel subscription. I am in Spring Hill FL. I won’t deliver it wont fit in my car. This is a steal and the price/trade is firm. I am only interest in the cash or an X1. I am sure it wont last long.

What was the issue you were having with the machine?

Every project I ever tried to do on the machine there was an issue. Every time I had to call Support they fix the issue. I will tell you a lot of it is probably due to my lack of knowledge. My success rate was very low with finishing project on the machine without calling Support. They do have great marketing, and I was under the impression that I was gonna load a project start the project and the machine was going to do the rest and there’s so much more to it than that. I didn’t buy this to start a business. I bought it as a hobby, I end up buying a laser machine and I load a project and hit start and it works. To answer your question The first problem I ever had was getting the board to stay clamped down. I had an issue with planning a board. did the first pass no problem and on the second pass, it went down a little farther in depth and just started digging into the wood. Like I said, user error, but it just gets to the point of it shouldn’t be this hard. Basically the machine sits in my garage now because I don’t even wanna go out there and try to run something on it cause I’m just gonna end up getting frustrated and having to call Support. I think the thing that burned me the most was shortly after the machine arrived . They cut the price in half and pretty much told me to pound sand. The good news is for whoever buys it I did purchase the warranty. When I posted this up this morning, I decided that I wanted the workspace in my garage back and I wanted to another 3-D printer which I have also had much better success with. I lost 50% Within the first 30 days, losing another 50% is what it is at this point.

I will gladly supply my original receipt, a copy of the warranty and all the bits and clamps are included. Like I said at this point I just want it gone and I’d like to buy the 3-D printer mentioned in the listing without having to put out more money.

I’d like to respond to you with no malice intended. I have a 3d printer. There was a learning curve as I knew nothing about it. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t expect a similar learning curve on a cnc router. To get the most out of a cnc machine or printer, you need to know some cad/cam for it to be useful. I get your frustration, but it sounds like you should have started with some simple projects to get the hang of things. People here are willing to help out if you get into a jam.

I appreciate the response and the support. I totally expected a learning curve with the cnc. Other than one 3-D project everything I tried to do came off the inventables website. I didn’t create anything I was learning off of what other people shared. I do appreciate the offer and the community support. If I was trying to design my own stuff, I get a much steeper learning curve would be needed. I would think that downloading other peoples projects and running those on the machine would be much easier. I was pretty upset this morning when I wrote what I wrote. This was supposed to be a hobby for me I have always found my time in the garage to be therapeutic and this was definitely doing the opposite. Anyway, again thank you. I really have enjoyed my time with my new laser that I purchased after my frustration with the cnc and I have also really enjoyed my 3-D printer and I think I’ve just lost interest at this point in the cnc and would like to have the space back.

Hello, I’m interested in the X-Carve. I’m over on the East Coast of FL. Let me know how I can get in contact with you. Thanks

Hey! I live in San Diego, California.

I have a small 3D Printing business I do in my garage.
I was actually just debating on selling my Bambu X1C because I have 4 Bambu printers now and I don’t use the AMS for my products.

It is working perfectly, I have it all set up and just did maintenance on it.
(I think it is still under the warranty too. I bought it directly from the Bambu website.)

I’ve been wanting to get into CNC and make some neon signs.
Been researching the 4x2 X carve pro because it’s all I have room for.

I may be interested in the trade if you want to shoot me a message!

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