Unexpected interruption, back to the beginning?

Hello everyone,

When milling, I keep having unexpected interruptions: drill breaks off, power failure, etc.

So far, I have put the machine back to the start position and started again from the beginning. This causes the milling machine to move away from what it had actually already done, which takes a lot of time.

Is there a trick to get around this and have the milling machine continue where it left off when it unexpectedly interrupted?

Thanks for your answer
Oliver from Germany

My answer would be to install homing switches. In the event of a power failure you can go back and start over to the same starting location. In Mach3, there is a “start from line” command, but I don’t believe Grbl has it yet.


Some CNC machines have a built-in pause function that allows you to stop and later resume the job without losing your place. If your machine has this feature, make sure to utilize it.

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