Unexpected results

Ok, so I carved directly in Easel from that svg and got some weird results. The same corner on all four holes is wrong. I attached a picture. It makes all of the other corners perfectly, but the one is consistently wrong. Since it follows that path with every pass it makes me think this is coming from the software. It also happens to be the corner that it begins cutting each hole. Is there any way to control at which point it begins the cut?


was that from that fsd made and I re-posted with a link?


can you share the easel file please I want to take a look and see if I can see what is happening


Here’s the link, the svg from you guys is the third page in that project.

Yeah its defiantly not in the file or toolpaths it has to be in the machine

does it cut that extra bit when the tool enters the material? or when its going around the material?

curious why would this one just be doing it on 1 corner and not all of them like the other guy?

@WorkinWoods That’s the same image that I get when it simulates the toolpath. That is the corner that the bit enters the material, but it makes that extra divot on every pass as it goes to the full depth, on all four holes.

@RobertCanning If it were loose belts and Vwheels wouldn’t that create more of an unpredictable mistake. This is happening the exact same way every time, same corner for all four holes, same divot. All of the other corners were clean, the sides were perfectly straight.

Could it have anything to do with tool settings?? Currently I’ve been using an 1/8" straight bit, 3/4" plywood.


is the bit that you are using the same diameter as it says in easel?

stupid question but I just want to make sure

Yes! Never hurts to ask! I’ve checked a couple times throughout the day.

okay so i would make a simple square in easel and then cut it and see if it does the same thing with a shape made solely in easel

that’s a good idea. I’ll try that first thing tomorrow morning.

If your test square in Easel do the same then you have some slack in your system. When bit enter/retract from material it has almost no sideway forces on is, but when it start to carve X/Y it will “give” a little.

IN Fusion360 and similar CAM’s you have the option to define a lead-in/out meaning the bit will enter vertically slightly inside/outside the actual cut part then ease into the X/Y carve path.

Every machine have some element of “give”. Reducing it to a acceptable minimum may require a little tweaking :slight_smile:

From what I have seen that looks a lot like tool deflection from the plunge since its in the same spot. There is some give either in the bit itself, the router, or the z axis and when the tool grabs the wood it pulls it to the side making that little notch. The fact that the OP said that corner is where the cut begins seems to support this as well. I would rule out the router and the z as the source. Then if you find its the bit you can minimize it with feed and speed adjustments or trying to run the cut with a larger bit.

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Ok, I tried the basic square and am getting similar results. We have several people gathered around it and are in agreement that it does not seem like tool deflection and did tighten the belts some. It’s not making the divot only when in plunges into the material, but on every pass. We can tell that it is driving there, the motors are active for that move. It seems like it is trying to save the inside piece by approaching from outside entering the intended path. Instead, I think, I want it to approach the path from inside the shape to get a nice clean perimeter. Working on it in Fusion 360 now.


Is this on an x-carve? What is your feed rate? Try halving the feed and see if the results are the same. If you get better results, it’s a 99% that it’s a mechanical issue.
Can you post your grbl settings? Send $$ to the controller.

Please also share the design (F360 file) if possible, or the .NC-file.

We tightened everything again and are getting good clean results. We are also getting better tool paths through Fusion 360. I’m getting the hang of Fusion 360 gradually.

Thanks again for the help.